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New Mirage Awards


                        The New Mirage Academy


Members of the New Mirage Academy are recognized for the merit of their poetry and their support.

Joan Kikel Danylak

Jeannene A. Fullen

John Sweet

Robert Agnew

Sheila Jeffers

Samuel Bickford

Peter V Paulus

Lorraine Tolliver

Janice D. Rubin

Carol Hamilton




New Mirage Award

Carol Lynn Grellas

John Sweet

Sheila Jeffers

Lorraine Tolliver

Carol Hamilton


Isles of Myst Award

Peggy Carpenter Harwood


GoodSAMARitan Press Award

Susan Sonnen


Danylak Foundation Award

Janice D Rubin



Certificate of High Merit

 Janice D Rubin  -  Stephanie Kjaerbaek - Susan Sonnen